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Investiture ceremony

Page history last edited by Darby Schmidt 11 years, 6 months ago

Investiture Ceremony

Preparations at Troop Meeting

Make invitations

Have girls decorate (crayon, glitter, etc.) pre-printed invitations and glue the paper to construction paper. These can be taken home by the girls or mailed by the leader.

Decorate Scrapbook

Explain that during the year each girl will make a Daisy Scrapbook in which to record their activities. Have girls decorate the front cover (construction paper) of her scrapbook. These can also be displayed at the Investiture ceremony.

Practice the ceremony

Be sure to practice the Girl Scout handshake and The Daisy  Girl Scout Song also.

Remind girls that after the ceremony they must serve refreshments to their  families (even their brothers and sisters!) before they serve themselves. 


Suggested Ceremony

Daisy Flower Posterboard


  • Daisy Girl Scout Beginning Certificate
  • Daisy Girl Scout pins
  • Cardboard or poster board covered with Daisy Girl Scout blue. Yellow circle for enter of the daisy and a green stem. Arrange on
  • the blue background with space to add petals. Put the troop number in the middle of the yellow center. Daisy petals - two per girl;
  • put the girl's name on each petal. Green leaves - one per leader with their name on the leaf.


  • Girls stand in a circle or semi-circle depending on the placement of the daisy center and the stem.
  • Each girl is given her petal, and as her name is called she comes forward and places her petal around the center. (The idea is that when all girls have placed their petals on the yellow center, a completed daisy is formed.)
  • The leader gives each girl the Girl Scout Handshake, gives the Daisy Girl Scout her Beginning Certificate, and finally pins the
  • Daisy Girl Scout Pin on the girl's left side.
  • After all the petals have been placed, the leaders then place their leaves on the stem.
  • The leaders step back and then the troop/group says the Girl Scout Promise together.
  • The Daisy Girl Scout's duplicate petal and certificate can go into a scrapbook. You can use the Daisy Poster for attendance

during the year.


Daisies in a basket - More formal version

From Girl Scouts Heart of the South

Materials needed:

  • Daisies
  • Basket or vase
  • Scrapbooks


Each child comes up and puts a daisy in a basket to represent different things to look forward to in scouting


LEADER: (Welcome parents, introduce yourself and your assistant leader, and explain the purpose  of the ceremony)  

Good evening everyone. My name is Ms. (Leader’s name) and I would like to welcome you to  the Investiture Ceremony for Daisy Girl Scout Troop #000. This is Ms. (Asst. Leader’s name). She is the Assistant Leader for the troop and will be helping with the ceremony tonight. We're glad  you could join us for this special occasion, it means a lot to your daughters. An Investiture is a  ceremony to officially welcome a girl or adult into Girl Scouting for the first time. Girls or adults  who have been Girl Scouts before will rededicate their commitment to Girl Scouting by  renewing the Girl Scout Promise. 


For this particular ceremony, we ask that a family member accompany each Girl Scout Daisy to  the Daisy Garden. The family member will read the part written on the cue card while the  Daisy places her flower in the basket. 

At this time the leader(s) and assistant leader(s) should take their places. The Leader in the Leader’s  area and the Assistant leader take their place in the Daisy garden. The Assistant Leader will need  to take the basket, flowers, and cue cards with her. 


LEADER (looking to the audience and say): “Where are the girls who want to be a Girl Scout  Daisy?”


GIRLS (standing up in the audience say): “Here we are!” 


LEADER: “Welcome girls! Please bring a parent or family member and stand by Ms. (assistant  leader’s name) in the Daisy Garden.” 


As the girls come up to the Daisy Garden, the assistant leader will give each Girl Scout Daisy a  flower and their family member a cue card. (It’s great if there are older Girl Scout sisters to help  with this part.) The girls and their family member will stand side by side in the Daisy Garden, girls  in front of adults. The assistant leader will hand the empty Daisy basket and closing cue card to the  designated “basket” girl (selected from the “it” can during sample meeting #6). The pair with the  basket should position themselves between the leader and the girls/adults. Once everyone is in  position, the leader will continue…. 


LEADER: (calling first girl by name): “(girl’s name and her family member, please come to the Daisy  Basket and tell us about your Girl Scout Daisy.” 


The girl and her family member walk to the basket. The girl places the flower in the basket and the  adult reads the cue card out loud. They both return to the Daisy garden. 

 This daisy is for laughter! This daisy is for curiosity! 

 This daisy is for eagerness! This daisy is for honesty! 

 This daisy is for courage! This daisy is for service to others, etc….. 

The leader continues until all girls have placed their flower in the basket. 


Basket girl and her family member (take basket to the leader and say) “This basket of daisies  represents all we hope for our daughter’s in Girl Scouting. Please believe in them and help them  grow.” 


LEADER AND ASSISTANT LEADER(S): “We promise to do our best.” 

(The basket girl and her family member return to the Daisy Garden.) 


LEADER: “We would like each girl’s family member to pin their Girl Scout Daisy.” 

(Give each family member a Daisy Girl Scout Pin and let them pin the girls. The leader and assistant  leader will share a Girl Scout handshake and congratulatory remarks with each girl after she is  pinned.) 


ASSISTANT LEADER: (to the family members in the Daisy Garden) “Parents, 

On your honor, will you try to share in your daughter’s new Girl Scout interests? 

(the parents will answer after each question.) 

Will you show appreciation for her efforts to live up to the Girl Scout Promise and Law? 

Will you give her opportunities to practice her new skills at home? 

Will you attend the troop events to which you are invited? 

And will you support Girl Scouting by working for and contributing to activities and funds that  make Girl Scouting possible in our community? 



ASSISTANT LEADER TO LEADER: “Ms. (leader’s name), I present to you the Girl Scout Daisies and 

parents of troop # ______.” 

LEADER: “Congratulations Girl Scout Daisies of troop #______” (audience applause and hugs.) 


LEADER: (after applause, use the quiet sign to get everyone’s attention) “Thank you to the family  members who helped with our ceremony. If the girls will gather around, they have a short presentation for the families. Afterwards they will be serving refreshments.” 


Girls gather up front and sing The Girl Scout Daisy Song! 

Girls serve refreshments 

Remind them to glue their invitations in their scrapbook. 


Sorry haven't sorted through these yet, but examples are her

p43 detailed investiture ceremony.pdf



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