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Page history last edited by Darby Schmidt 11 years, 6 months ago


Practice Camping

Learn some camping skills

Set up a tent in your yard or in a park. Have a practice camping day. Sing camp songs, tell stories and create a 1-hour camping experience. Don't we all need an excuse for S'mores?

  • Play a sleeping bag relay race. Have the girls unroll and roll up their sleeping bag. Teach them the difference between a sleeping bag and a slumber bag.

  • Learn what it means to wear "Layers" of clothing. Discuss what types of clothes would be appropriate for different times of the year.

  • Learn some simple first aid. Talk about keeping cuts clean and what we can do to help in an emergency.

  • Learn the names of some local plants. Look at pictures of some poisonous plants, such as poison ivy, and how to avoid them.


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