
Yellow Petal, Friendly and Helpful

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Ideas for Yellow Petal, Friendly and Helpful Meetings

Requirements for earning petal:

  1. Read and discuss Sunny's story
  2. Make a mural of Sunny's story
  3. Practice being friendly and helpful



Read a book

Read the story “Stone Soup” by Marcia Brown to your troop/group. 

Read Clifford, We Love You by Norman Bridwell (Scholastic)

We're Here to Help! Golden Books (Random House Children's Books)

Read Miss Tizzy by Libba Moore Gray. When Miss Tizzy becomes ill, neighborhood children try to make her feel better. Ask the girls to share their experiences when they helped someone who was ill.

Read the fable “The Lion & The Mouse”. What is the moral of this story? Little friends may prove to be great friends.Good things come in small packages. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Discussion Topics

You might ask the questions: "What does it mean to be a friend?"

"Who is your best friend?" "Do you like to play with your friends?" "What do you play together?" "Can you have more than one friend?" “What are some friendly words and phrases?”




Materials needed

Stone Soup

Read the story “Stone Soup” by Marcia Brown to your troop/group.

Have girls bring in the ingredients for their own “Stone Soup”.

Variation: Make A Friendship Fruit Salad

Each girl in the troop/group is asked to bring in a piece of fruit. Each

piece of fruit is cut up into little pieces. Place all the fruit in a large bowl.

Mix up the fruit. Serve the fruit in small cups with whipped topping. You

have “Friendship Fruit Salad” (note: leaders may want to add a can of

cut up pineapple to the recipe, this adds juice to the salad).

Variation: Fruit yogurt sundae

Fruit, yogurt, toppings

Get book



Plastic bowls and spoons

Arrange for kids to bring ingredients


Big bowl


Cutting board

Plastic bowls and forks

Whipped topping

Make puppets and act out a book

Read the fable “The Lion & The Mouse”. What is the moral of this story?

Little friends may prove to be great friends.Good things come in small packages.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Make a Lion and a Mouse paper bag puppet and have girls re-create the fable.

Paper bags

Construction paper


Sock Puppet

Two girls work together on this project.  Take a sock.  One girl places in on their hand.  The other girl marks where she want to place the puppet’s eye, mouth, and nose.  The girls switch roles.  Now they glue on button, ribbons, etc.






Make friendship necklaces using straws and paper

Directions – cut a piece of yarn slightly larger than the girls wrist. Cut different colored straws into pieces about 1” long. Cut 2” squares out of construction paper. Put the name of each girl on individual squares. Have each girl place one piece of straw on her yarn, then a square with her friends name on it, a straw, a name, etc. until all the girls names have been used. Tie the two ends together to make a bracelet.


Construction paper

Colored straws cut into pieces

Helpful Hand Coupons

Encourage girls to express their helpful heart by creating "Helping Hand" coupons to use at home.

Directions: have girls make a list of 5 ways to be a helper at home. Suggestions: Making bed, picking up toys, setting the table, turning off lights, playing with a sibling, feeding the family pet, and helping in the kitchen. Talk about each job/task on the list. Trace each girl’s handprint on the colored paper(s). Cut out handprints. Write each helping job/task on a handprint.

Variation: Helpful Hand Flower pot

This week's activity revolves around the yellow petal -- Friendly and Helpful. Last week the girls traced their hands five times on construction paper. They then added a helpful thing they could do at home on each hand.

This week we'll cut out the hands and glue them to tongue depressors. We'll then stick them into styrofoam and into a small flower pot, like the sample I made here:

Throughout the next week, the girls' families will choose a "helping hand" flower when they need some help around the house.

Construction paper



construction paper





flower pots

Community Service Placemats

Put a smile on someone’s face with art work. Decorate placemats for soup kitchens and similar programs as a community service.

Placemats are one way to share your creativity and thoughts with others You could use plain white placemats or legal-size copy paper.

Choose your theme. This project works any time of year---Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Cinco de Mayo, Martin Luther King Day of Service---and is nearly always welcomed. Let their imagination soar. Draw landscapes, messages, poems, flowers, or designs. Make as many different or similar placemats as you want. Recipients sometimes hang these pictures in their rooms!

Variation: Write a letter or draw a picture to share

Write simple letters or draw pictures and exchange them with people in your community, such as at a nursing home, etc.

Arrange with group to give placemats

Legal sized paper



Decorating materials




Get to Know Me Necklace

Girls will create bead necklaces with beads representing their interests. Name tags will go on these.  If there is time, girls can play a game where they find girls with similar interest.

Revised from: http://sunnydaysinsecondgrade.blogspot.com/2011/07/contest-winner-fun-freebie.html 


We used paper bowls for the girls to collect the beads and gave them a bunch of white beads to use to fill in the necklace.  We started by having the girls go up and pick out the beads themselves, but there were too many girls and it got chaotic, so we ended up having the rest of the girls in a circle and the leaders and helpers went around the circle asking girls the questions and then giving them beads.  Overall, this was a little too complex for the Kindergartener.  I liked the outcome and the kids got a kick out of me being able to read their necklaces, but too difficult for Kindergartners.  Worked okay for 1st graders.


stretchy string


printout instructions

Get to know me necklace.pdf

Compliment game

Break the girls into 3 groups

The girls sit in a circle. The girls go around the circle giving the girl next to them a compliment.  The girls can then choose anyone in the circle to compliment.  Then the girls thought of a compliment for themselves.

Notes:  We have a large group and the girls didn't know each other so well to give detailed compliments.  It worked well and they liked it, but it would be more fun with kids who know each other better.


Make a Friendship Chain

Give each girl strips of construction paper. Have everyone decorate and write their name and the name of a friend on the strips. Let girls take turns adding their strips to the chain. Display the chain in your meeting room. Keep a supply of construction paper strips on hand and invite the girls to continue adding strips to the troop/group friendship chain.

Construction paper


“A girl scout was here”

Read the Brownie Story. Each time the girls hear the word helpful, have them stand up and shout "Helpful!" Then send them home with little sheets of paper that say, "A girl scout was here". Each time they do a good deed/chore without being asked, they can leave a slip of paper.

Variation: “A Daisy was here” Daisies

We took some foam precut flower shapes and wrote "A Daisy was Here" on each one in permanent marker, we made 4 for each girl. The girls decorated their daisies with stickers, glitter, and general "stuff" from our craft

supplies box. Each girl took home their daisies and could leave one when she did something helpful – like straightening the magazines on the coffee table or feeding the fish. The next week the girls

Variation: Daisy Kindness Keeper

Every time your Daisy does a good deed, she glues on a flower. Each flower represents one of the petal colors! When all done, she can make her Kindness Keeper into a crown or a belt.

Cut two strips of white craft foam 1-1/2" x 12". Glue ends together to make one long piece. Round the ends and punch a hole in each end. Have your Daisies hang them from a door or cabinet. Each time she does a good deed, she can glue on a flower. Use a clothespin to keep it in place while drying. Have the girls bring their finished keepers to the next meeting. Glue a gem on the middle of each flower. Make them into a crown by stapling ends together or a belt by tying a string through the end holes.



“A girl scout was here” slips


Foamie Daisies

White Craft Foam

Tacky Glue Clothespins

Hole Punch

Satin Cord



Act out being friendly and helpful 

  • Give the girls scenarios and ask how they would be friendly and helpful
  • Lady pushing a stroller trying to get out a door. Daisy went over and opened and held the door for her. Play stroller with a doll from my house. 
  • Someone shopping had too many things in their hands and dropped some items. Daisy took her a reuseable shopping bag and picked up dropped items. Items from my home were play food and a canvas shopping bag. 
  • A Daisy is asked to pick up her clothes without assistance from anyone. Daisy does so and also picks up some toys on floor. Items from my home were clean, rolled up socks and a few small toys and a plastic bin to put them in.

We ran through each skit twice so each girl on the team could play each role. 

Variation: We have a large group, so we tried this variation

Break girls into 3 groups and have them line up in two row.  One row is the “damsel in distress” who needs help and the other row is the helper. The rows will switch after each thing.

1) Have the “damsel” be a new girl who is feeling shy

Ask the girls what the helper should do.  Have the helper row act out some helpful things.  Like saying hello and introducing themselves.

2) Have the “damsel” fall down and hurt herself.  As above, ask what they should do and then have them act it out

3) Mom, the “damsel” comes home and there is a big mess in the playroom.

4) The “damsel” is someone who is sitting all alone at recess

5) The “damsel” is your baby sister and she is crying while dad is trying to fix dinner.

Notes:  Different groups went at different rates, so when the first group was done, we stopped and moved onto the games.  This work surprisingly well.  The girls who were more shy took a little time to get into it, but they eventually did.



Sheets of paper with scenarios for each group

Read the story “Winnie The Pooh Friendship Day” from Disney.

Make paper hats, read friendship stories, have a bouncing contest, make award ribbons and celebrate your own troop/group Friendship Day. 

large paper

award ribbons




Materials needed

Meet new people

We had the girls find someone in the room whose name they didn't know.  They had to introduce themselves and find out one thing about the other person. 

We did two rounds of this.

Notes: We have a large group and this was one of our first few meetings, so this activity worked well. I liked this one.


Rabbit Without a House - Sweden

Pick someone to be "it" (the rabbit without a house) and someone to be the caller.

Divide the others into groups of three.

Each group makes a rabbit house by two girls holding hands (the house) and one girl (a rabbit) standing outside.

The caller yells out "find a house" and all the rabbits, including the one without a house, have to run to find another house.

The rabbit left without a house becomes "it."


Ducks and Cows

This is a good game to divide a group of people into two teams. Depending on the size of the crowd, 1 or 2 people circulate among the crowd and tap people on their shoulders saying to them either duck or cow. Players are then instructed to close their eyes and by quacking or mooing, find their other teammates, until you have one large group of quacking ducks and one of mooing cows.

Variations: Mating Game (from More New Games)

Give names of veggies, fruits, animals, careers (one category for each round of game). Giving at least two people in the group the same "title". Then with animals/people items everyone makes the noise and action of their title; with veggies/fruits, no noise is made, just actions and body language of their title. All must try and find their "mate" (same title).


Balloon Relay

Circle relay. Each team forms a circle, and a balloon is placed in front of each team captain. On signal, each captain used her broom to sweep the balloon around the outside of her circle and back to her original place. She hands the broom to the player on her left, who continues to sweep the balloon around the circle. All players take a turn. The first team to finish wins.



Broom for each team


Stand Up

This is a cooperative game. Sit on the ground, back-to-back with your partner, knees bent and elbows linked. Now simply stand up together. After succeeding, try it with three people, four people, etc.

Notes: This was pretty fun.  It gets easier with more people.  Some groups needed help with the first round and could not get up without a little help from the adults.


Differences Game

Explain to the girls that it is okay to look different from other people. Play the following game to show girls how they have differences yet are all the same.

Tell girls to run to different designated areas in the room with the following.

When I say go; everyone with...

brown eyes--run to the left corner (point to which corner)

green eyes--run to the right corner (point to which corner)

blue eyes--run to the door

hazel eyes--run to the middle

Do the same with: curly, straight, short and long hair, height, shoes, wearing certain colors.

Once they have played the game. Ask girls: Does everyone look the same? Help girls understand that we all have eyes, yet our eyes are different. We all have skin, yet the color can be different. Ask girls to come up with more ways that we are all the same and ways we are different.


Hulahoop Game

We took 3 hulahoops and put them on the floor. The girls had to figure out how they could help each other get across the room when they could only be "safe" standing in a hulahoop. They figured out that if they put all of them in 2 the back hulahoop could come to the front and then they could all move forward

Variation: TURTLES

Split into teams of about 6 girls per group

Each girl is given a paper plate called a “turtle.”

The team is expected to cross an area called the “Peanut Butter Swamp.” The troop leader selects the size and position of aforesaid “swamp.”

Not only must the girls step only on the “turtles,” but the “turtle” must always have someone incontact with it. If anyone touches the ground with any part of her body, they are devoured by analligator that lives in the “Peanut Butter Swamp.”

The girl must drop out of the crossing, and take her “turtle,” too! 

If a “turtle” is left untouched, it is devoured by the alligator, leaving the team with fewer “turtles.”

The person leading the team across the “Peanut Butter Swamp” must keep receiving “turtles” from her teammates in order to advance.

Once all members are on their “turtles” over the “swamp,” the last girl has to pick up her“turtle” and pass it forward. It is up to the team to figure out how to get the last person and her “turtle” across the “swamp” without being eaten.

The team which makes it across the “Peanut Butter Swamp” with the greatest number of survivors wins the “Best Turtle” award.


3 hulahoops 

or paper plates

ropes or tape to designate starting and stopping point





If You're Friendly and You Know It

If you're friendly and you know it,

clap your hands.

If you're friendly and you know it,

clap your hands.

If you're friendly and you know it,

and you really want to show it,

If you're friendly and you know it,

clap your hands!


Learn the Serving Others Song

(Sung to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot)

I could be a baker who bakes cakes

Here is my spoon and my bowl

When I serve you hear me say

“Taste my delicious cake today!”

I could be a waiter who serves you

Here is my tray and menu too

When I serve you hear me say

“What would you like to eat today?”

I could be a grocer who sorts food

Here is the fruit and vegetables too

When I serve you hear me say

“How can I help you here today?”

I could be a business person who serves you

Here is my briefcase and papers too

When I serve you hear me say

“I like to do business with you today!

I would be a truck driver who serves you

Here is my truck and heavy load too

When I serve you hear me say

“What can I move for you today?”


The Daisy Smile Song

(To the tune of the Brownie Smile song)

I've got something in my pocket that belongs across my face, I

keep it very close to me in a most convenient place. I bet you

couldn't guess it if you guessed a long, long time, So I'11 take it out & put it on it's a great big Daisy Smile. Use hand motions to point out your pocket, & face as indicated in the song.



Visit a retirement home  

One person recommended having the girls make chocolate chip cookies and then having the girls share them with the residents while visiting with them.

We took a trip to a local Assisted living home for Christmas. Each girl selected an elderly person’s name. We made them snowmen necklaces(oriental trading) and gingerbread men. We served the elderly cookies and punch, sang carols and presented the gifts. When we where done the girls went room to room placing cane candys on the resident door knobs. I liked the assisted living because the girls where not afraid and we had a wonderful time. 


Visit an animal shelter

Contact your local animal shelter. Find out what kind of items they need to take proper care of the animals. Do they need cat food, dog food, old blankets, towels, cat litter, etc? Girls can then collect some of these items to donate to the shelter. Plan a trip to visit the shelter.





Sample Meeting Plans for Yellow Petal, Friendly and Helpful Meeting

Sample 1

Yellow petal friendly and helpful sample 1.odt

Yellow petal friendly and helpful sample 1.pdf

Daisy Girl Scout Meeting

Petals earned: Yellow, friendly and helpful





Who will lead

Opening Activity

(10 min)


Friendly and Helpful coloring page






  • Opening ceremony – pledge of allegiance and GS promise

  • Take attendance




Choose activity

(5 min)

Discuss how we want to go on some outings as a group and the girls get to choose between two things. Explain that there are signs on the wall and we will vote with our feet by going over to the sign. Explain that not everyone will get what they want this time.

The choice is: Do you want to go to a fire station or a police station?




Read story

(5 min)

  • Discuss how we earn badges

  • Read Friendly and Helpful story from Daisy Guide

  • Girls will then break into three groups to discuss examples in the story of being friendly and helpful

  • Describe the next activity

    Notes: Discussion went quickly. Next time need to come up with more interesting things to discuss.

Daisy Guide

Copies of the questions for each group



(10 min)

Act out being friendly and helpful

Break girls into 3 groups and have them line up in two row. One row is the “damsel in distress” who needs help and the other row is the helper. The rows will switch after each thing.

1) Have the “damsel” be a new girl who is feeling shy

Ask the girls what the helper should do. Have the helper row act out some helpful things. Like saying hello and introducing themselves.

2) Have the “damsel” fall down and hurt herself. As above, ask what they should do and then have them act it out

3) Mom, the “damsel” comes home and there is a big mess in the playroom.

4) The “damsel” is someone who is sitting all alone at recess

5) The “damsel” is your baby sister and she is crying while dad is trying to fix dinner.

Notes: Different groups went at different rates, so when the first group was done, we stopped and moved onto the games. This work surprisingly well. The girls who were more shy took a little time to get into it, but they eventually did.

Sheet for each group with the scenarios written out


Games (10 min all together)


Stand Up

This is a cooperative game. Sit on the ground, back-to-back with your partner, knees bent and elbows linked. Now simply stand up together. After succeeding, try it with three people, four people, etc.

Notes: This was pretty fun. It gets easier with more people. Some groups needed help with the first round and could not get up without a little help from the adults.




Compliment game.

Break the girls into 3 groups

The girls sit in a circle. The girls go around the circle giving the girl next to them a compliment. The girls can then choose anyone in the circle to compliment. Then the girls thought of a compliment for themselves.

Notes: We have a large group and the girls didn't know each other so well to give detailed compliments. It worked well and they liked it, but it would be more fun with kids who know each other better.




Meet new people

We had the girls find someone in the room whose name they didn't know. They had to introduce themselves and find out one thing about the other person.

We did two rounds of this.

Notes: We have a large group and this was one of our first few meetings, so this activity worked well. I liked this one.



Clean up

(5 min)





(5 min)

  • Talk about what we learned

  • Remind the girls that they should practice being helpful and friendly. Explain that the girls will be taking home sheet of paper where they should write down what they did to be friendly and helpful. Tell them they can share what they did at the next meeting.

  • Closing ceremony – Learned Taps with hand motions, friendship circle, friendship squeeze

  • Handout friendly and helpful sheets

  • Handout beads and string to girls who missed first meeting




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