
Yellow Petal, Friendly and Helpful

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on March 15, 2013 at 2:19:44 pm

Ideas for Yellow Petal, Friendly and Helpful Meetings






Sample Meeting Plans for Yellow Petal, Friendly and Helpful Meeting

Sample 1

Yellow petal friendly and helpful sample 1.odt

Yellow petal friendly and helpful sample 1.pdf

Daisy Girl Scout Meeting

Petals earned: Yellow, friendly and helpful





Who will lead

Opening Activity

(10 min)


Friendly and Helpful coloring page






  • Opening ceremony – pledge of allegiance and GS promise

  • Take attendance




Choose activity

(5 min)

Discuss how we want to go on some outings as a group and the girls get to choose between two things. Explain that there are signs on the wall and we will vote with our feet by going over to the sign. Explain that not everyone will get what they want this time.

The choice is: Do you want to go to a fire station or a police station?




Read story

(5 min)

  • Discuss how we earn badges

  • Read Friendly and Helpful story from Daisy Guide

  • Girls will then break into three groups to discuss examples in the story of being friendly and helpful

  • Describe the next activity

    Notes: Discussion went quickly. Next time need to come up with more interesting things to discuss.

Daisy Guide

Copies of the questions for each group



(10 min)

Act out being friendly and helpful

Break girls into 3 groups and have them line up in two row. One row is the “damsel in distress” who needs help and the other row is the helper. The rows will switch after each thing.

1) Have the “damsel” be a new girl who is feeling shy

Ask the girls what the helper should do. Have the helper row act out some helpful things. Like saying hello and introducing themselves.

2) Have the “damsel” fall down and hurt herself. As above, ask what they should do and then have them act it out

3) Mom, the “damsel” comes home and there is a big mess in the playroom.

4) The “damsel” is someone who is sitting all alone at recess

5) The “damsel” is your baby sister and she is crying while dad is trying to fix dinner.

Notes: Different groups went at different rates, so when the first group was done, we stopped and moved onto the games. This work surprisingly well. The girls who were more shy took a little time to get into it, but they eventually did.

Sheet for each group with the scenarios written out


Games (10 min all together)


Stand Up

This is a cooperative game. Sit on the ground, back-to-back with your partner, knees bent and elbows linked. Now simply stand up together. After succeeding, try it with three people, four people, etc.

Notes: This was pretty fun. It gets easier with more people. Some groups needed help with the first round and could not get up without a little help from the adults.




Compliment game.

Break the girls into 3 groups

The girls sit in a circle. The girls go around the circle giving the girl next to them a compliment. The girls can then choose anyone in the circle to compliment. Then the girls thought of a compliment for themselves.

Notes: We have a large group and the girls didn't know each other so well to give detailed compliments. It worked well and they liked it, but it would be more fun with kids who know each other better.




Meet new people

We had the girls find someone in the room whose name they didn't know. They had to introduce themselves and find out one thing about the other person.

We did two rounds of this.

Notes: We have a large group and this was one of our first few meetings, so this activity worked well. I liked this one.



Clean up

(5 min)





(5 min)

  • Talk about what we learned

  • Remind the girls that they should practice being helpful and friendly. Explain that the girls will be taking home sheet of paper where they should write down what they did to be friendly and helpful. Tell them they can share what they did at the next meeting.

  • Closing ceremony – Learned Taps with hand motions, friendship circle, friendship squeeze

  • Handout friendly and helpful sheets

  • Handout beads and string to girls who missed first meeting




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